Chamo me Tiago Ribeiro, casado, e vivo a mais de 14 anos no Canada, Vancouver onde sou formado em design grafico (IDA Award) com 18 anos de experiencia em jornalismo radiofonico.
Aqui escrevo cronicas e experiencias, de viver neste pais nas suas alegrias, dificuldades e victorias, sempre numa perspectiva pessoal. Parei por uns anos pelos desafios da vida...voltei
....VIVE SE ESCREVENDO E ESCREVE SE PARA VIVER...Escrever e pensar e reviver em voz alta!
Todos os anos o mundo cinematografico vem a Vancouver de todo as partes do mundo varios realizadores, directores e todos relacionados com esta industria encontram se em Vancouver para celebrar, ver, analizer e pensar o cinema nos seus varios generos e sub generos, mas sempre sobre a luz do cinema independente e internacional.
Este festival realiza se anualmente sempre entre Sep 20 e Oct 10, fazendo esta sempre uma grande oportunidade para dar um descanco aos modelos tao repetitivos de Hollywood e aproveirar para expandir e abrir novas perspectivas em relacao ao cimema menos conhecido como e o internacional.
E sempre bom lembrar que muitos e bons filmes se fazem que nao sao do nosso conhecimento, mas tambem muito se faz em relacao a livros e outras formas de arte que nao se conhecem; logo talvez a grande vantagem destes festivais e a de nos fazer explorar algo que desconhecemos e so dai pode ver riqueza cultural.
Nunca deixem de explorar horizontes novos caros leitores..
Ola, tenho um desafio para vos apresentar, a todos que acompanham o Blog. E muito simples e ate tem graca, visto que o humor e um espelho para a alma de um povo e das suas preocupacoes e desejos e tudo mais, irei vos apresentar em baixo 3 grandes humoristas canadianos e adorararia receber respostas vossas sobre quem e o comediante mais comico do canada.
Estes comicos sao Russel Peters que brinca com a diversidade culturas e reflecte sobre a cultura indiana no contexto canadiano. Temos Rick Mercer que faz humor sobre a politica e sociedade canadiana, nao sendo nada transgrecivo diga se ja e por ultimo Ron James que humurisa sobre a indentidade canadiana e a sociedade moderna e o mundo em geral sem nunca perder a perspesctiva muito canadiana.
Sem duvida que todos sao um reflexo do canada a varios niveis, dos imigrantes, ao que estao no poder e sobre o que e hoje em dia ser canadiano no mundo complexo de hoje, tudo com muito humor e muitas vezes com profundidade quase filosofica e sempre universal.
E sem duvida sugiro a todos que conhecam este importante politico pois muito daquilo que o Canada e hoje a ele se deve depois da segunda guerra mundial, criou/moldou um "novo" Canada que vive nas mentes de todos nos e que todos conhecemos.
Aqui deixo um video com uma entrevista com o seu biografo que muito explicara sobre este grande homem.
Ola a todos como estao? agora en ingles...a few days ago, I interviewed a long time friend I meet on SGI Buddhism when i first converted, his name is Mig Macario, form Filipino background and with an wide and very interesting range of characters, from tv series to movies it seemed to me as a result a perfect person for a interview, and since there is so much rishness and complexities to be "explored" in Mig in my personal opinion, the interview began. Hope you like it. Obrigado a todos..
1- Tell me a bit about your cultural background and to what extend shaped you into becoming an actor?
I was born in the Philippines and grew up in Canada. I’m the youngest of 6 children but was very independent growing up. I started travelling at the age of 16, LA oddly enough without my parents.
2- Who influenced in your life to become an actor?
My current influences are actors Don Cheadle & Forrest Whittaker. When I was younger I really liked actors like James Dean, Marlon Brando, Steve McQueen. Also Filipino actors such as Vilma Santos and Christopher DeLeon were artists that I loved to watch when I was really young.
3- How was your first acting experience?
It was when I was in elementary school, it was a school musical and I played a grumpy bell. But my first official paid acting jobs were on a fully improvised teen soap for the Disney Channel called Fifteen and 21 Jump Street.
4-How do you usually you prepare for a role? do you have any routine?
Each role is very different. I’m always picking up tools by reading books, watching film and TV and taking acting workshops. So I always see what tools and approaches I can use for each role. I always have to start from a relaxed and calm place (chanting and Yoga help), so when I first read the script I can get a clear overview of the role. I read it as many times as I can as sometimes I miss things. Then I start making specific decisions about who the character is, I also start getting an intuitive feel for the character. My mind and body start to feel like the person I’m playing.
5- I noticed you are a very eclectic actor, how do you find so many different characters in you? is there a "secret" for all that diversity?
I think every human being can feel every emotion under the sun. Human nature and human relationships can be so complicated. It’s the really good actor who musters up the courage to show the world those emotions - the “good” and the “bad”. Puts a mirror up to our humanity and does it in an entertaining and accessible way. So if it seems diverse, I’m just doing my best to try and explore all the different aspects of my own humanity that hopefully people can relate to. I really try to put myself into the situation the character is in and what would happen in the moment.
6- What was the more challenging role you ever played? and why?
I think the role of Song Liling in M. Butterfly. The play dealt with the stereotypical roles of East and West and turns it on its head. It’s based on a true story of a 20 year love story that ends tragically between a Peking Opera diva spy and a French Diplomat. After 20 years, the diplomat finds out this beautiful Asian woman (and/or the image of one) that he has loved is actually a man! I played the spy and ¾ of the play I have to convince the audience that I’m a woman. (Not a drag queen because that’s entirely different). Then in the last act of the show, he refuses to believe that I’m a man (and for the most part so does the live audience). He still refuses to believe me and it bright stark light I have to prove it to him by being completely naked. Literally and figuratively! It’s a really beautiful play that still has relevance today.
7- On acting, what actors most inspire you on your craft? and why?
As I mentioned earlier, Don Cheadle because of his emotional depth and Forrest Whitaker because of immense presence. Come to think of it Cate Blanchett because she seems to connect with all her characters and lastly Javier Bardem because you feel the love of acting through every pore. He loves every character he plays and plays it with such simple honesty which is probably the most difficult thing to do.
8- Regarding the Filipino culture, why do you think Filipinos have a natural tendency for acting , singing and everything show business? is it cultural?
Well speaking of stereotypes, I think every culture in their own way have their own expression for the arts. I think maybe people are now at this moment, connecting with how Filipinos express themselves.
9- In what way does acting helps you understand who you are Mig?
In tribal societies, the actor was a form of medicine man, healer, Shaman if you like. The performances help the people understand themselves and others. To have an experience and come from it healed. As an actor, I want to have an experience with the character and those who are on the ride with me (ie, the audience member) come from the journey healed as well.
(Most recent project of Mig, ABC's "Once Upon a Time")
10- And without forgetting you are a Buddhist, how does practicing Buddhism helped you as an actor? and acting deepened your Buddhist practice?
I feel the character choices, people and projects that I attract and connect to now have this solid foundation of faith and value. I come from that place in my career and life now. I’m so much happier in this really competitive and challenging industry. I have a tool to really overcome the constant rejection and ego in the business. My own ego and others. When I chant morning and evening, it’s a great opportunity to look at myself and try to connect with this deep place of wisdom, so I can make the right choices. There are so many Buddhist principles that I practice within the entertainment industry.
11- Do acting helps you understand human beings better in all their complexities? to what extend?
I don’t know if it will ever help me to completely understand human beings. What it does is start the dialogue and continues the conversation. Like Buddhism, there’s not really an end point.
12- Last question, for those unfamiliar with the Filipino culture, how would you define your country now a days?
It’s such a beautiful place with many challenges and obstacles. I would love to see it as a fully developed nation in 10 years. It’s hard to change 400 years of colonization and systemic corruption. It only takes on person to change things. So try my best to do that through lots of prayer and talking to people about the country and culture. It’s always been a dream of mine to make films in the Philippines and show the world what it’s truly like. I personally think there’s not enough separation between church and state. That maybe the country sheds the negative aspects of colonization and keeps the good part of integration of many different influences. That my wish for any place I live in, any person I come into contact with or even myself, can fulfill its amazing potential.
Chinatown de Vancouver e um dos locais que acho bastante interesante, pos saber que embora hoje em dia e uma area algo pobre mas com os seus festivais anuais e celebracoes, ainda tem muito do seu passado, sempre valorizado. Chinatown e um local a ser explorado parece me pois pode se achar coisas interesantes, e ate mesmo mais baratas nas suas varias lojas.
E um dos lugares a serem visitados na Chinatown e o Jardim Chines digamos que nao como devem ser os jardins na china, mas nao deixa de ser interesante e visto que por aqui tudo e negocio, ha uma parte paga e outra nao paga do jardim e que obviamente na parte nao paga, como forma de ser fazer algum lucro ha uma loja cheia de arte chinesa em todas os seus formatos.
Mas e bastante interesanter sentir e apreciar um jandim chines, mas neste jardin chines o mundo exterior esta a espreita, pois pode se ver os predios que estao a sua volta, o que de certa forma tira muito da magia se fosse um jardim longe da modernidade com a paz que os caracterisa. Sem duvida um lugar a ser explorado por todos curiosos sobre a cultura a asiatica e a sua importancia historica no Canada.
Canada e conhecido mundialmente pelos sua grande oferta de artistas em multiplas areas e se ha uma caracteristica das artes canadianas e a sua capacidade de se reflectir a si mesma de forma quase consciente.
Para os curiosos sobre o que ha de novo na cinematrografia canadiana, aqui esta o filme "Breakaway" rico de tematicas tao modernas sobre o Canada de hoje em dia, sem esquecer o tao canadiano jogo de Hockey; misturado com tradicao Sikh e a nessecidade de "crescer" como comunidade, grupo e pessoas. Talvez essa seja a grande riqueza canadiana que na sua divercidade consegue sempre, ou quase sempre tocar o universal que todos nos tantas vezes ignoramos ou esquecemos.